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Ignited Page 4

  It was actually kind of pretty the way the flames and water merged. But MJ was freaked out by it. I guess there was some danger—it did get a lot hotter once that silver bubble disappeared. I think the bubble must be a part of MJ—his angelic side. At least I hope it didn’t come from me—I have enough new abilities as it is, and I barely understand them.

  MJ had it all wrong about where—or should I say when—I sent us. I did the exact same thing as I do when I send us to the bridge. I don’t know what I do, but I do know it’s not what he’s thinking. I didn’t send us back to his home . . . in the past.

  Thinking about abilities and angels has me longing again for simpler days. Days where I could laugh with my friends and not worry about anything.

  Images of my time with Ben suddenly play on a loop. The ache in my heart grows, knowing I’m to blame for his death. But that isn’t all I’m guilty for; I see that now. Ben was so kind and patient with me, but I took him for granted. I didn’t know what love was, and I never gave it a chance. Ben deserved so much more than I gave him. He deserved love. He deserved to be happy. Now he’ll never have that. I still can’t believe he’s gone.

  I press my palms to my eyes to hold in the tears. I will not cry. MJ will know if I do. It’s not fair. Ben died because of me, but if I mourn him, I’ll hurt MJ. No matter what I do, someone I care about suffers.

  MJ’s lingering essence stirs within me, trying to dispel my anger, pain, and frustration, but there’s too much. His essence falters and then fades away, leaving me hollow. I grind my teeth and try to calm the storm brewing inside me.

  Thunder rumbles outside.

  It’s a reminder that nothing is private anymore. My emotions are broadcasted on a massive scale. This is worse than angels and demons hearing my thoughts. I feel exposed, as if my heart and soul were bared for everyone to see.

  I need to call Ben’s mom. She deserves to know. But what do I say? How do I explain what happened to him? She can’t know a demon killed him.

  MJ will have to help me with that. But he can’t help me with everything from yesterday. He can’t help me forget it.

  I fought—hard. MJ was surprised I held Justin off as long as I did. Now that I know he’s a demon, I am too.

  There’s one thing about yesterday that I haven’t told MJ. The kiss. I hated it. It was the most confusing kiss I’ve ever had. I expected Justin to be aggressive and slobbery, like kissing a rabid dog. But he wasn’t. The kiss was slow, delicate, yet full of his sick and twisted emotions for me. And even though it was against my will, it still feels like a betrayal.

  There was a bubble then too—a blue one—surrounding us. I’d nearly forgotten that, with everything that’s happened. So who was responsible for that one—me or Justin? And why was Justin’s blue and MJ’s silver? Do I somehow make the colors different? Or do they?

  A new song comes on. After only a few guitar chords, goose bumps pepper my skin. It’s Marilyn Manson’s version of “Sweet Dreams.”

  Justin’s song.

  I don’t have this song on my iPod.

  With shaking hands, I turn the shower off and reach for my towel. I wrap it around me and step out, coming face-to-face with Justin.

  Chapter Six


  Our song blares from Mads’s iPod. She stands there, mouth hung open, dripping wet from her shower, wearing nothing but a towel.

  Her wall is down. She’s exposed. Vulnerable. It’s real and honest. This is her true self.

  And dammit if I don’t find her all the more attractive for it.

  I stood by in the Veil of Shadows as he slept beside her, comforted her, trained her, fought with her, and even kissed her. They almost caught me twice, with the damn twigs snapping, but I eluded him and the Protectors he sent. How could he be so careless to tell others about her?

  I’ve managed to keep my feelings in check. It’s why I thought I was ready to face her—I didn’t think I’d be distracted by the emotions that stir whenever I’m with her. Leave it to her to mess up my plans again. This was my first chance to get her alone. I could have waited until she was dressed, but this is more fun.

  I won’t do anything yet. I will never hurt her again. I’m only trying to make sense of what the Acquisitioner said about Mads having a weakness. That weakness—whatever it may be—is the key to getting her to sign the Binding Agreement, condemning her soul to the Acquisitioner and me.

  When I tried to compel her last night so she would sign the contract, it almost worked. I could feel her letting go of her resistance. But then that damn spirit came back. I cast it out of my house again, but it was too late. It distracted Mads long enough for her to break my hold.

  I’m glad it didn’t work, then. The Acquisitioner tricked me. There will be no traveling or happily ever after for me and Mads. With Mads’s abilities at his command, the Acquisitioner will be the next ruler of Hell. We’ll spend eternity in misery. It’s what has to be done, though. With her soul unclaimed, it’s the only way she’ll stay safe.

  I wish I could take her and run. Right now. It would be perfect. No one can sense her essence without physically touching her. The Protector won’t be able to find her, as he can with all other mortals. He can’t even sense me from the next damn room, thanks to the ring the Acquisitioner gave me last night. The ring is an occultum—an object enhanced to hide a being’s essence. Only members of the Fallen are allowed to wear them. Until now, that is.

  Thunder booms, shaking the house.

  Mads shakes her head and steps back toward the wall.

  She’s cornered.

  My hands twitch, tempted to reach for her and make my fantasy a reality.

  The only thing that could ruin my plan to steal her away is Mads’s ability to affect the weather. It could give away our location, just as it did last night. I must find a way to keep that from happening.

  The one time she didn’t affect the weather was when she was unconscious. It was the only real peace and privacy we had. When I’m ready to make my next move, I could keep her sedated, just enough to make her suggestible and to keep the weather in check. It’s not great, but it’s good enough to be plan B.

  Her breathing increases as the shock wears off. A moment later, a terrified shriek escapes from that perfect, tempting mouth, and I know my time is up. I summon the Veil of Shadows and continue observing her, in hopes of finding something much harder to find than a needle in a haystack. I’m searching for the flaw in my Aphrodite.

  Chapter Seven


  A blood-curdling scream comes from the other side of the bathroom door. I burst through it, frantically searching the room.

  My hollow chest tightens when I see the empty shower. Then my panic lessens as I spot Maddy crouched on the floor beside the shower. Her eyes are wide—frozen with fear on a spot behind me. I glance over my shoulder expecting to see whatever frightened her, but I find nothing.

  My gaze returns to her. She’s sopping wet and shivering—still not looking away from that spot. I doubt she’s even aware I’m here.

  I wave my hand in front of her iPod, turning the blaring music off. She doesn’t react. I swallow a lump in my throat, then bend down in front of her.

  “Maddy,” I whisper, taking care not to startle her.

  Still, she doesn’t move or blink.

  “Maddy,” I repeat a little louder.

  I reach out to touch her knee but hesitate, fearing she might send us somewhere again. It’s not the first time I’ve been leery about touching her, and I doubt it will be the last. But if she’s going to send herself someplace, I’d rather it be me who goes with her.

  I take a breath while gently placing my hand on her knee.

  She’s freezing. My essence enters her, racing through her body, slowing her heart, controlling her breath, and eliminating pockets of terror.

  She blinks and says, “Justin.”

  Instantly, I whip back around, expecting to see him. Other than us, the bathroom is empty.
br />   I take a moment to settle myself, then shake my head. She must be reliving some terrible memory from last night—the unspeakable things Justin did to her. But he’s not here. He never was. I would have felt him long before he entered this house. I release my breath and return to her.

  “There’s no one here but us, Maddy. You’re safe.” My hand returns to her knee, and this time my essence works on warming her to stop her shivering.

  “No,” she says. “He was right there. I saw him.”

  Agony tears me apart inside. The things she shared of her time in that house were horrific. If I had done my job and not left her alone after school, he wouldn’t have gotten her. Everything she suffered through that night was my fault. I want nothing more than to make her forget what he did—forget him completely—but it’s the one thing I can’t do.

  “He wasn’t here, Maddy. I’m sure of it.”

  Finally her eyes leave that spot and fix on mine. They suck me in, searching for reassurance. “You’re wrong,” she declares. “He was right there. I know it. He put his song on my iPod.”

  That’s it—the song from the card she received Monday morning and the one the students kept whistling under the Influencer’s control. The song randomly came on and triggered her panic attack.

  I sit, pulling her into an embrace. She watches as I wave my hand again in the direction of her iPod, this time erasing the song from its database.

  “There,” I say. “The song is gone now. He must have put it on there several days ago in hopes of frightening you. I’m sorry. I didn’t think to check for it.”

  “It doesn’t matter when he put it on there. He turned it on just now, knowing what it would do to me, and then he just stood there, watching my reaction.”

  My hand rubs soothing circles on her back. No matter what I say, she’s going to argue. She’s headstrong and doesn’t trust easily.

  “What you went through yesterday,” I begin, “was traumatic. Everything came at you so fast, your mind didn’t have time to process it. What you just saw was . . . an aftershock—like with an earthquake. But Justin wasn’t really here. He couldn’t have been.”

  “How?” she demands. “How can you know that? You weren’t here.”

  “I know his essence now. If he comes within fifty miles of Mankato, I’ll know and I’ll take you someplace safe. He won’t get you. I promise.”

  “So, that was . . . what? A hallucination?”


  Her bottom lip quivers. “I’m not crazy.”

  “No. You’re a mortal—a remarkable one, facing a situation you were never meant to face. You need time to heal, Maddy.”

  “You’re sure he wasn’t really here?”

  I smile, trying to convey how confident I am. “Positive.”

  She nods, seeming to finally accept my answer, then relaxes against me. A moment later, though, she straightens and stares at me.

  “What did you mean when you said the song is gone now?”

  “I removed the song from your iPod.”


  I tilt my head as I stare down at her. My essence picks up inside her, feeling frustration and rage building, though I don’t know why. “Because it upset you.”

  “Is that how you handle everything—you just make something vanish? Songs, memories—who knows what else?”

  “Yes, which is why it aggravates me so much that I can’t remove your pain.”

  For a moment, I suspect she’s going to continue arguing. Then she just shakes her head as she drops back against me. She’s silent for a while.

  “Justin will make me vanish soon,” she finally says, a strange numbness in her voice.

  I flinch, then hold her tighter. “No, he won’t. I told you earlier, I will never let him touch you again.”

  “My blood may be on that contract. He said he’d hurt everyone who’s ever met me if I didn’t honor it. Sooner or later, he’ll return to collect me. And if my blood didn’t touch it, then he’ll return to make me sign it. Don’t you see, MJ? No matter what, my soul belongs to—”

  Rage rips through me. It takes everything to keep from shaking. “You don’t belong to him! You don’t belong to anyone.” I take a deep breath as the rage simmers. “But I hope you’d agree that you belong with me.”

  Slowly, a smile spreads across her lips. I want to kiss them, but considering what happened with the kiss at the bridge, I can’t.

  “How do you do it?” she whispers.

  “Do what?”

  “Know the right thing to say and do to keep me from falling apart?”

  Since day one, I’ve been fumbling my way through each moment with her, utterly useless without my abilities. But as I gaze down at her, I see she means it. Her smile is brighter now—her fear is gone.

  Her eyes shine with pride, happiness, and . . . something else. Something I’ve yet to see in her eyes but I’ve seen in millions of mortals’ eyes before.


  Could it be? Does she love me?

  Suddenly, my chest clenches in pain, then it releases. A thump echoes through me. Then another and another as my heart beats again.

  Careful not to make it stop, I reach for her hand and place it over my now-beating heart.

  Her eyes widen.

  “This is what you do to me, Maddy. My heart beats for you. Only you. You bring life back to me with your smile, your light, your compassion . . . I mean it when I say you are my everything. No one—not Justin or anyone else—will come between us ever again.”

  Tears pool in her eyes as she continues to feel my beating heart. If those tears fell, my heart would break.

  Silence fills my chest once more. She frowns and pulls her hand back.

  “I know—it doesn’t last long,” I say. “But it’s okay. The important thing is that my heart has beat several times since meeting you. Each time, the number of beats increases. I just . . . I just want to show you how much you mean to me.” I pause to gaze at her. “Are you all right?”

  She nods.

  I stand and take a deep breath. “Good. Given what you’ve been through lately, I hate to add more stress . . . but I’m afraid it cannot be avoided.”

  Her brows furrow. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’ve been speaking with the Protectors who helped me last night. They’re ready to meet you. I know we’ve had an eventful day already, and I don’t want you to overdo it. But when it comes to your safety, I’m not taking any chances. We need them.”

  She stands, clutching her towel so hard her knuckles are white.

  For the first time since entering this room, I notice the state of her undress. I turn away, not wanting to take advantage of the situation. Still, heat builds inside me as my mind becomes overrun with thoughts of what I did see.

  She’s gorgeous—inside and out. I just wish she could see it. As brave and bold as she is, she’s cautious when it comes to herself. She’s placed a barrier around her heart that rivals Fort Knox. Others have tried to break down her wall only to fail. I am no better than them, yet she’s slowly lowering her defenses for me. She trusts me—whether or not she knows it yet. Her trust is a gift, and I’m not about to lose it.

  I turn toward her again and move closer, holding my eyes only on hers. “Please. If not for you, then meet them for me. Having them here will give me comfort, knowing you’re safe. Plus, they can take over watching Amber, leaving me free to be with you.”

  Her head nods once. “Okay.”

  “Remember,” I say, “you’re safe.” Then I leave the bathroom.

  Chapter Eight


  MJ’s right—Justin wasn’t really there. I understand that now. I’m safe. I have to move past what Justin did to me and focus on the good things.

  Like MJ. His heart was beating. That shouldn’t be possible. But I felt it. And he said it was because of me. I want to know when else it’s happened—see if I can figure out what I did to spur that in him. It’s a miracle, and miracles al
ways turn out good. They have to.

  After dressing, I open the door to my room, letting MJ know he can come back in. He was waiting in the hallway. I told him to go downstairs and watch TV, but he didn’t want to. Ever since we got home from the bridge, he’s been hovering over me like crazy. It’s sort of annoying, though I also sort of don’t mind—not after everything that’s happened in the last twenty-four hours. But I wish he’d tell me why. Now more than ever, I suspect he was lying at the bridge—someone was watching us.

  MJ sits on my desk chair, watching as I fuss with my bed, trying to buy some time. I’m usually not this nervous about meeting new people, but my emotions are all over the place. Plus, they’re not exactly “people.”

  Adding to my nerves is the unnatural silence in the house. I miss my family. I want to make good on the promise I made to myself yesterday to show them how much they mean to me.

  “MJ, where’s my family?”

  “I sent them out for the day after I compelled them.”

  I flinch, then hope he didn’t see it. I was glad last night when he told me others were coming to compel the town and that he would compel my family so no one would remember Justin. I didn’t want my family especially to remember the awful things he made them do. But today . . . it just feels wrong to take away someone’s memories—even the bad ones.

  When I notice MJ isn’t talking, I stop messing with my bed and glance over my shoulder at him.

  “You and I need to discuss a few things before they return,” he says. “We’ll do that after you meet my team.”

  I hold back a shudder. I’m already anxious for the upcoming meeting with his “team,” and now I’m also anxious about what he needs to talk to me about before I can see my family.

  Suddenly he’s standing beside me, taking my hand. His essence rushes in, familiar with the space.